Introducing women with a deep interest in cybersecurity
I am Ee Lin, one of the leaders in the Cybersecurity Programme Centre (CSPC) of the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore. My role is to lead the Government and People & Enterprise clusters, responsible for securing government networks and systems and implementing programmes to create a safer, secure and resilient cyberspace.
What brought you to the cybersecurity industry?
I always loved Sci-fi movies like Star Wars, especially their adorable droid R2D2 and BB8; and LEGO, which allows me to build things from scratch. The ICT and cybersecurity industry allowed me to tinker and build useful things to help people. I am also easily overwhelmed with emotions when I see National Day parades and performances. I took up sponsorship of the Singapore Armed Forces and started my career as a radio specialist before developing further in other technical roles. National security has always been part and parcel of my career, and seeing the needs of Singapore’s future workforce, I grabbed the opportunity, when it presented itself, to embark on the path of cybersecurity at National-level.
What were your defining moments in this industry, and factors or guidance that helped you achieve them?
No defining moments. I used to feel that there was more I could contribute to the industry, but I was always not in a suitable position to do that. That’s what spurs me to challenge the “impossible” at various career milestones and bring myself out of my comfort zone to try to do something. Before moving into the cybersecurity domain, I had prior experience in network systems, radio communications, telecommunications and satellite communications. All these industries seem so disparate and irrelevant to cybersecurity in those days, yet today they are parts of cyberspace, so I just went with the flow.
What is it that you love most about your role?
There is hardly a dull moment in the ever-changing cyberspace. Every day there are opportunities for me to work with like-minded and passionate people like myself to shape our Nation’s cyber security posture. I loved to help enterprises and citizens adapt to a rapidly evolving strategic and technological environment and deal with potentially digital disruptive technologies scenarios.
Prominent Cybersecurity trends:
What are some of the trends you have seen in the market lately, and what do you think will emerge in the future?
Singapore is fast emerging as a digital society as more digital technologies are used to enable everyone to help solve society’s problems in healthcare, mobility, agriculture, finance, etc. But there’s a flipside. Technology is getting accessible and more powerful, and technology in the wrong hands of many could have unintended, harmful consequences—possibly resulting in digital disruption creating a more vulnerable society. Efforts are needed to ensure that the diverse products that businesses bring to market are “cyber-safe” for the citizens to use.
Females in Cyber Security
What can we do to encourage more women to join the cybersecurity sector?
There was low awareness of how women could contribute to the cybersecurity industry in the earlier days. I had realised this when I talked to women at various events and mentoring programmes. When women look around their friends and peers, there would be very few who can share experiences about this industry with them. That’s when I decided to set aside some time to participate in mentorship programmes and CSA’s initiatives to talk to women interested in this exciting industry and do a part to make our cyberspace safer. I would encourage more women to participate in meaningful mentorship programmes like those from AiSP, to find out how we can contribute to the cybersecurity sector.
Final thoughts
How can you debunk the myth that cybersecurity is only for men? Is there any indication this stereotyping is changing?
We, women, should not let others tell us what we cannot do. I need to emphasise the importance of
creating an inclusive workplace where everyone plays a part to shape cyberspace that our society
will feel safe to work, play and live. We not only help to tackle the global shortage of
cybersecurity professionals but would also strengthen our ability to deal with complex crises.
Gender inclusion will be a powerful differentiator to provide a competitive advantage for our
fast-paced digital society. So, women, let’s show others what we can do.