The AiSP ‘IoT Day 2023’ is a premier gathering of industry experts, professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts
dedicated to addressing the critical challenges and exploring innovative solutions in the field of Internet of Things (IoT)
security. With the rapid growth and widespread adoption of IoT devices, ensuring their security has become paramount to
protect sensitive data, infrastructure, and user privacy.
The proliferation of IoT devices in recent years has revolutionised industries and transformed the way we live and work.
However, with the rapid expansion of IoT, security concerns have emerged as a significant issue. Industries and professionals
are constantly seeking opportunities to gain insights into the latest threats and vulnerabilities facing IoT systems, as
well as to learn and discover innovative solutions and mitigation techniques. Together, such efforts will advance the technology
and benefit consumers.
This event, held in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), focuses on “Empowering Tomorrow's IoT: Unveiling
the Shield of Innovation and Igniting Lifelong Learning”. NTU Singapore has recently joined the AiSP as a member of the Academic
Partner Programme (APP) and is proud to partner AiSP for the event. NTU will be launching a new NTU Work-Study degree programme
co-developed and co-designed with key industry partners in the information communication and technology sector.
Activities at the event will include an exhibition and a seminar series showcasing current innovations in IoT solutions,
sharing on close collaborations between institutes of higher learning and industry in various areas of research and
education offerings. There is also an opportunity to visit the National Integrated Centre for Evaluation (NiCE), a
state-of-the-art joint facility between Cyber Security Agency, Singapore (CSA) and NTU, during their open house. This
event is organised for anyone with an interest in IoT Security, anyone who has a desire to upskill in this area, and for
businesses who wish to adopt a lifelong learning culture to increase their agility and adaptability.
We have invited Dr Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of
Health, to be our distinguished Guest of Honour for the event. Join us to see how these essential motivations will help to
fuel innovation in the IoT sector and allow business and individuals to be prepared for dynamic industry and business changes.
Event Date: 3 November 2023
Event Time: 09.30AM – 2PM
Event Venue: Nanyang Technology University, 50 Nanyang Drive, Research Techno Plaza Level 2, Singapore 637553
Guest of Honour: Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Health, Dr Janil Puthucheary
Event Registration: