Business owners of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and Enterprise are only focused on business needs and are not aware of the digital risks
and cybersecurity resources available for them. The purpose of the AiSP CyberSec Conference is to help Enterprises, SMEs and individuals to be
more cyber aware and the different solutions out in the market that can help them in it.
Organised by the Association of Information Security Professionals (AiSP), the AiSP CyberSec Conference is a unique event that brings together
organisations to discuss the importance of being cyber aware and stay protected. The event will provide our speakers with the opportunity to
share their experience, skills and knowledge to show how cybersecurity can help companies to stay protected. AiSP aims to elevate
cybersecurity awareness among companies and establish a self-sustaining ecosystem with active participation from government agencies,
business associations, cybersecurity communities, and solutions provider.
Our theme for this year conference is “Sustaining growth and innovation securely in this challenging business environment”.
1. The importance of Cybersecurity for business growth and Innovation
- What are the trends that are forcing customers to look for new ways to work and drive businesses
- How businesses can leverage on technology to scale their businesses securely
- What is the software that you can introduce into the organization
- Areas to look out for
- Awareness
- Areas to get help from the government in supporting developing innovative solutions, where Security can be built in rather than bolted later
- GenAI's Impact on Security
As part of AiSP Cybersecurity Awareness and Advisory Programme (CAAP), this event is for Singapore Enterprise and SMEs to know more about cybersecurity as a business requirement and how they can implement solutions and measures for cyber-resilience. CAAP hopes to elevate cybersecurity awareness as integral part of business owner's fundamentals and establish a self-sustainable support ecosystem programme with active participation from agencies, business associations, security communities and solutions provider.
Date : 15 May 2024
Time : 9AM – 3PM
Venue : Suntec Convention Centre
Guest of Honour:
Morning: AiSP Patron – Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of National Development - Mr Tan Kiat How



