The Association of Information Security Professionals (AiSP) has set up Special Interest Groups (SIG) to:

  • Engage AiSP members to advance their knowledge in this area;
  • Connect with fellow volunteers through discussions, events and activities;
  • Excel together while contributing volunteers expertise and application to the evolving Information Security Body of Knowledge (IS BOK) and Cybersecurity Awareness and Advisory Programme (CAAP) Body of Knowledge (BOK).

Our six SIGs are for AiSP members to advance their knowledge and contribute to the ecosystem are;

Our SIGs involve leads, contributors and members, where all three are active AiSP members. Our contributors volunteer by contributing to the deepening of the SIG topics, e.g. speaking at events, doing a presentation, contributing an article, conducting research, etc. Volunteers speaking on the specific topics are minimally AiSP associate members. We also welcome volunteer speakers from other associations or organisations where AiSP already has an existing affiliation with.

Let’s Collaborate to Achieve More Today!

Our SIGs are the ‘first stop’ to tap on the trends, development, and insights from the industry where we can share information with other initiatives within AiSP. Some of these information and knowledge-sharing may translate into new activities and programmes for AiSP’s existing initiatives such as IS BOK, CAAP BOK or Knowledge Series, as well as for AiSP’s collaboration with other organisations in Singapore and overseas.

AiSP Student Chapters under Academic Partnership Programme

Under AiSP’s Academic Partnership Programme (APP), it includes AiSP Student Chapter for the IHLs involved. As the APP offers complimentary Affiliate membership to all full-time students from the institute, not just for information security or cybersecurity disciplines, we welcome members of the student interest groups branded under AiSP Student Chapters, to join AiSP’s activities as well. Please click here if you want to apply for the affiliate membership.

To recognise the student members who have volunteered in their interest groups, we invite them to submit their nomination forms for the Student Volunteer Recognition Programme (SVRP). Please contact us if you have any queries.

We welcome all AiSP members who want to benefit from the knowledge-sharing and networking activities within the SIG. Please email our secretariat team at Secretariat at AiSP.sg if you want to be part of our SIGs!


This photo gallery features key SIG events organised by AISP to advance both the local and international cyber ecosystem